I send a text to my best friend Joshua "Hey buddy, I need a favour"
"I'm at the beach, with my uncle...AND I'M DYING TO SEE HIS COCK"
"What's his name?"
"Henry Bishop. be quick."
My uncle was sleeping but suddenly he opened his eyes, smiled and lowered his swimming trunks.
Wow, nice dick!
domenica 1 giugno 2014
sabato 31 maggio 2014
Good Friend
“Hey Mr
Jones, are you leaving?”
I met my best friend’s dad in front of his house, with a big bag and his muscles exposed.
“Yes Cody, the marines called me and I have to be at the airport in an our.”
“Oh, Sport told me you’d stayed for the whole summer”
He looked sad.
“Yes, that was the plan. Sport’d be really disappointed, but work is work. I’ve left a note for him in the kitchen, and please, could you tell him that I’m sorry.”
“I will Mr Jones. Goodbye”.
“You’re a good friend Cody, Thank you”.
I met my best friend’s dad in front of his house, with a big bag and his muscles exposed.
“Yes Cody, the marines called me and I have to be at the airport in an our.”
“Oh, Sport told me you’d stayed for the whole summer”
He looked sad.
“Yes, that was the plan. Sport’d be really disappointed, but work is work. I’ve left a note for him in the kitchen, and please, could you tell him that I’m sorry.”
“I will Mr Jones. Goodbye”.
“You’re a good friend Cody, Thank you”.
That was my golden opportunity.
I found his dad’s bedroom and took a pair of white underwear and a T-shirt and I start looking for a picture of Mr Jones. That’s how I work: with a picture.
I found one in a drawer.
I start looking at it obliging my body to copy him. After few minutes my arms start growing, my muscles get bigger, my face changed. I looked in the mirror and Mr Jones stared back at me.
I put the underwear and the T-shirt on and I started identify with the character. I liked to be Sport's best friend but it would be even better be his strong dad. I want him to love me and to do what I say.
It was my house now.
"Hey dad" Sport enterd the house wearing his football uniform.
"Hey Sport" I answered with Mr Jones strong voice. I was in the kitchen, making dinner for my son.
"Smells good" he said.
"Get immediately in the shower! You're late!"
"Sure dad".
I smiled. I like he calling me dad. He undressed in front of me showing his hot body. I pretended not to notice,but I knew it would be a great week.
domenica 11 maggio 2014
Bad influence
"You won't play with Danny anymore!" My Dad shouted at me.
"But dad why??"
"He's a bad kid, He has a bad influence on you! Enough!"
I went into my room crying.
Danny was my best friend, maybe the only one! Why dad can't accept that? I didn't want to lose him.
I think I cried for 2 hours, when someone knocked at the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's me, Grampa"
I opened the door.
My Grama smiled. He was an average man of 65 years old, he lived with us. He sat close to me and then we started talking, he was trying to convince me my dad did the right thing.
I noticed a very brief period when Grampa paused from talking with a blank stare. I had thought maybe He was intensely thinking about something. That gaze appeared so hypnotizing, yet so empty but who knows? And then he start laughing!
"Oh My God! It worked!" he said
I was confused.
"Hey! It's me! Danny!"
"Yes I found a body possession spell in a book! I thought was silly stuff! But...IT WORKED!"
I didn't know what to say.
"When you told me your dad wanted you to stay away from me, I thought I could come closer without him noticing! Now...let's play something!"
It has been two weeks since Danny stole my grampa's body and it's totaly handsome! My dad has to do whatever he said...because he's his father! We play all day and his "bad" influence is still here!
"But dad why??"
"He's a bad kid, He has a bad influence on you! Enough!"
I went into my room crying.
Danny was my best friend, maybe the only one! Why dad can't accept that? I didn't want to lose him.
I think I cried for 2 hours, when someone knocked at the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's me, Grampa"
I opened the door.
My Grama smiled. He was an average man of 65 years old, he lived with us. He sat close to me and then we started talking, he was trying to convince me my dad did the right thing.
I noticed a very brief period when Grampa paused from talking with a blank stare. I had thought maybe He was intensely thinking about something. That gaze appeared so hypnotizing, yet so empty but who knows? And then he start laughing!
"Oh My God! It worked!" he said
I was confused.
"Hey! It's me! Danny!"
"Yes I found a body possession spell in a book! I thought was silly stuff! But...IT WORKED!"
I didn't know what to say.
"When you told me your dad wanted you to stay away from me, I thought I could come closer without him noticing! Now...let's play something!"
It has been two weeks since Danny stole my grampa's body and it's totaly handsome! My dad has to do whatever he said...because he's his father! We play all day and his "bad" influence is still here!
venerdì 9 maggio 2014
Thank you trevor!
"H---how did you get it?"
"What? That you're not my dad?"
"Well, for example my dad would never wear pink underwear! and second, today MY REAL DAD came to me in your kid's body and told me everything! I Know you switch body with him, you're our neighbours's son."
My "dad" didn't answer.
"But don't worry" i said " I pretended not to believe him."
"What? Will you tell someone?"
"Tell what? that my 9 years old neightbour stole my dad's body? no one would believe me! But you have to do everything i say!"
"Sure! Thank you Trevor"
"Now, change your underwear!"
sabato 26 aprile 2014
Fishing - part 2
During the evening Josh took courage, and went to his dad. He avoided his grampa all day and now he needed to tell his dad that something was wrong.
He found him in the living room watching tv, wearing just a pair of green short.
"Hey dad" he said.
"Hey Josh I'm watching some football, wanna join?" he asked jovially.
"There's something I need to tell you. Where is grampa?"
"I don't know Josh. Do you want to talk about your fishing trip?"
"No..ehr..yes dad. Grampa is not himself...he said horrible things"
"What do you mean Josh?" he said with a smile. He clearly didn't believe his son.
"Dad, he called me -faggot-!"
Greg didn't know what to say. There was a minute of silence.
"Son, you know, your grampa isn't very young anymore. Old people..sometimes...have difficoult to recall toughts, or maybe you just didn't understand his words."
"Dad I'm sure he said that!" Josh protested. He never thought his grampa could suffer from dementia.
"Josh, you're a brave young boy. He's my dad. Please, could you tried to forget this...er.. incident?"
Josh thought a moment about this and then answer.
"Yes dad...of course"
"Good boy" and the hugged his son.
Josh went to his room and his dad waited in the living-room. A couple of hours later Grampa came back home.
"You fucking idiot!" Greg said.
"y--yes sorry Danny."
mercoledì 23 aprile 2014
Fishing- part 1
"Hey Granpa! Goodmorning!" my granpa is always the first to wake in the morning.
"Hi honey. Slept well?"
"Yes Granpa!"
"Good Josh, Good. Because I wanted to tell you something, come closer!" he said smiling, opening his arms.
"sure granpa"
I went near him.
"Hug me, son"
I did and then he whisper in my hear: "You are a dirty little faggot Josh. You like your granpa too?"
I stepped back, scaried.
he didn't change his paternal expression, but he was saying terrible things!
"So...You want to go fishing son?" he said out loud.
What was he saying now? Then I hear my dad approaching from behind.
"What are you talking about?" he asked.
"Your son asked me to go fishing" said my "granpa".
"Good, good. You're starting to grow up son" Said my dad. " and your granpa is the best fisher ever"
My granpa smiled. It was an evil smile. Who was him?
"Please Greg, bring me some cigars now." My Grampa said to my dad, and he leaved us alone again.
mercoledì 16 aprile 2014
Help Requested
Hi everyone. Thank you for your support, and for reading my blog. I've been kinda busy lately and I haven't had much ispiration ( it's hard for me to write in english, I'm italian.). So, if someone has a story in mind can email me at ergo_mk@hotmail.com, and I'll be happy to put it in the blog.
Thank you.
Thank you.
lunedì 24 marzo 2014
"Lick them" My dad said. But I knew he wasn't really my dad.
Everyone has been bullied in their life, but my bully is very different. He's a possesser. He can be anyone.
At first I tried to react, I'm tall and strongh, but then he started possessing people. Sometimes he's my teacher, sometimes my brother, and he's making my life a complete hell.
Everyone has been bullied in their life, but my bully is very different. He's a possesser. He can be anyone.
At first I tried to react, I'm tall and strongh, but then he started possessing people. Sometimes he's my teacher, sometimes my brother, and he's making my life a complete hell.
I looked at my dad's feet.
"Please.." I said.
"Please.." I said.
"Young man, be brave and lick them"
I knew he would not change his mind. When Trevor want something, he always obtain it.
I brought my face closer to his feet and then I licked his sole. It left me a bitter taste in mouth.
I brought my face closer to his feet and then I licked his sole. It left me a bitter taste in mouth.
"Good boy" he said with an evil smile I've never said on my dad's face. "It's a pity your dad wont' remember it, it feels so good having your son licking your feet."
A close friend
"Hug me, Kendra, and smile" I whispered.
Kendra, my best friend, was wearing my husband's bodysuit. We broke up one month ago but I wasn't ready to tell my family yet, so she is replacing him.
When she came closer I felt my husband's smell and her arms were around me. I closed my eyes.
"Thank you, you are a true friend" I said and "Kevin" smiled and pressed his muscular body against mine.
I blushed "B- but Kend."
"Shh" She said. "Now I'm Kevin, let's show your family how much we are in love"
And then He kissed me. Kevin kissed me. Maybe our story wasn't over yet...
giovedì 6 marzo 2014
It's Valentine
I send a txt to my son:
"Big Trouble. I can't make it for dinner, your mum will get really mad when she'll know I have to work at Valentine's day."
After few minutes he answered:
"What's wrong?"
"Just problem at work, but I wont' be home before 2 hours. Is she already home?"
He answered me with a picture:
"Don't worry dad, she'll find you waiting for her. You owe my a favor."
"Thank's son. You're the best. Be nice with her, remember: it's Valentine's"
"Big Trouble. I can't make it for dinner, your mum will get really mad when she'll know I have to work at Valentine's day."
After few minutes he answered:
"What's wrong?"
"Just problem at work, but I wont' be home before 2 hours. Is she already home?"
He answered me with a picture:
"Don't worry dad, she'll find you waiting for her. You owe my a favor."
"Thank's son. You're the best. Be nice with her, remember: it's Valentine's"
giovedì 27 febbraio 2014
My Friend Chris
The phone rang.
"Hey Phil! What's up?"
"Hi Chris! I cannot talk to the phone! I'm grounded." I said sadly.
"eh? Why?"
"You know..my parents find out that my grades aren't very good this semester. In fact they're really bad."
"Oh..I'm sorry for that..I was going to ask you if we could meet. Maybe I can come over to play some videogame!"
"No way Chris, my dad is home, and he's supervising me. He dosen't want me to stay with friend, watch tv, and so on!"
"That's awful!"
I didn't know what to do, I had studied all day. There was silence and then Chris asked me something weird:
"Do you want me to come over...anyway?"
"What do you mean?"
"Wait and see" And then he hung up the phone.
In that very moment my dad call me.
I went into the living room where he was watching tv.
"Young boy, where you talking on the phone?" he asked in is usual stern voice.
"Y-yes dad, sorry dad. Chris called and..."
My dad smiled.
"I know, you moron. I'm Chris!"
"Yea, I've ment to tell you about this power I've discovered to have, but I had never found the right time! I'm a Possesser! It means that I can possess people."
I was schocked!
"Can you forgive me?!" asked my dad.
"S--sure Chris!"
He smiled again.
"So, let's play! I really wanna kick your ass in tekken!"
Chris was thinking about tekken, but I was thinking about all the possibilities of this wonderfull power.
"Hey Phil! What's up?"
"Hi Chris! I cannot talk to the phone! I'm grounded." I said sadly.
"eh? Why?"
"You know..my parents find out that my grades aren't very good this semester. In fact they're really bad."
"Oh..I'm sorry for that..I was going to ask you if we could meet. Maybe I can come over to play some videogame!"
"No way Chris, my dad is home, and he's supervising me. He dosen't want me to stay with friend, watch tv, and so on!"
"That's awful!"
I didn't know what to do, I had studied all day. There was silence and then Chris asked me something weird:
"Do you want me to come over...anyway?"
"What do you mean?"
"Wait and see" And then he hung up the phone.
In that very moment my dad call me.
I went into the living room where he was watching tv.
"Young boy, where you talking on the phone?" he asked in is usual stern voice.
"Y-yes dad, sorry dad. Chris called and..."
My dad smiled.
"I know, you moron. I'm Chris!"
"Yea, I've ment to tell you about this power I've discovered to have, but I had never found the right time! I'm a Possesser! It means that I can possess people."
I was schocked!
"Can you forgive me?!" asked my dad.
"S--sure Chris!"
He smiled again.
"So, let's play! I really wanna kick your ass in tekken!"
Chris was thinking about tekken, but I was thinking about all the possibilities of this wonderfull power.
mercoledì 26 febbraio 2014
So sad
"Goodmorning Mr Jones!" asked a young guy.
"Goodmoring Pete" I answered.
"Is everything ok?"
I didn't answer, I was just going to cry.
"Ok, I'll tell you Pete, but it's a secret! My dad made me promise I won't tell anyone, but I couldn't imagine it was going to be so hard! I'm not Mr Jones, I'm Aron! My dad swithed our body to have fun at the pool with you and the other guys!"
In that very moment Aron, I mean my dad, approached.
"Hey Pete, Let's go swimming!" he said in my voice.
Pete looked scared, Oh My God, I hope my dad wouldn't understand I've told him everything!
martedì 25 febbraio 2014
What did you tell her?
I kissed Janine,
undoing her bra with one quick gesture.
Oh-my-God, she was so hot. I had to lie to my girlfriend to meet her, but it was definitely worth it.
I felt my cock tighten into my jeans, ready to remove them.
Oh-my-God, she was so hot. I had to lie to my girlfriend to meet her, but it was definitely worth it.
I felt my cock tighten into my jeans, ready to remove them.
“What did
you tell her?” She asked.
She smiled her evil smile
She smiled her evil smile
girlfriend. I’ve heard you talking on the phone, making up excuses.”
she smiled again.
“So tell me, what did you tell her?”.
“That tonight I had to meet Joe because her girlfriend dumped him and he needed company.”
she smiled again.
“So tell me, what did you tell her?”.
“That tonight I had to meet Joe because her girlfriend dumped him and he needed company.”
Joe was the
friend of mine who presented me Janine, so he would play along.
I start
sucking her nipples when I heard knocking at the door. It was probably Joe so I
open quickly.
Out of the
door there was my girlfriend smiling with a big cake.
“Honey, I
just thought I’d pop in and say hello”.
“Oh great!”
I said flushing, closing the door at my back.
“Why don’t
you let me in?” She asked confused.
“N-nothing, Joe is a bit sad and I thought..”
She opened the door and walked in. I closed my eyes.
“N-nothing, Joe is a bit sad and I thought..”
She opened the door and walked in. I closed my eyes.
“Hey, how are you?” I heard her saying, and then my friend Joe answered
“You know, is hard.”
He was sitting on the couch only in his slip. The tv remote on his hand. His muscular body covered with hair.
“Sorry I
didn’t mean to interrupt you!” she said.
Joe smiled an evil smile.
Joe smiled an evil smile.
“Don’t say
that. You know what? I fell better, and I think is time to let you two alone.”
I didn’t
know what to say, how could it that be possible?
“Can I talk to you a second?” Joe said to me and we went in another room.
“Can I talk to you a second?” Joe said to me and we went in another room.
The moment
we were alone he changed back in Janine.
She said.
I didn’t
have words.
“I’ve saved
your ass!”
A moment
later he changed again in an EXACT copy of ME!
I was startled.
I was startled.
“Now I want
to be repaid for the great help I gave you, I’m gonna fuck your hot girlfriend,
and you’re gonna wait here!” She said in my own voice!
"And please don't make too much noise from here"
domenica 19 gennaio 2014
Sorry Dad
"Sorry daddy, I didn't want to steal your body. Look, I've done just beacause I've overheard you saying that you wanted to leave mum!
I couldn't permit it, can I? I didn't want my family to break, so I'm playing your part, and she won't even notice! Can you understand me dad? Of course you can, and don't worry, In an hour all your memories will fade, and you'll be able to love me as your dad"
I couldn't permit it, can I? I didn't want my family to break, so I'm playing your part, and she won't even notice! Can you understand me dad? Of course you can, and don't worry, In an hour all your memories will fade, and you'll be able to love me as your dad"
giovedì 16 gennaio 2014
What's the problem?
"Honey, what's the problem?" Jessy told me using her real voice leaning closer. "You said you wanted us to spend more time toghter me but you couldn't because of your friends, right?"
"Yes but..."
"And now, I'm Andrew!" she said smiling Andrew's confident smile. "You can stay both with me and your friends and none of them will notice! That's not problem with me playing his part!"
"But what if they discover you're not Andrew? How could you.."
"They won't! Andrew's girlfriend is my best friend honey! She talks a lot about him, and I know everything. I can replace him with no problems. I had practise, you know? I've replaced him several times with her, and twice with you!"
"What??" I was astonished!
"Yes" she said smiling "Can you remember the pool party last week, when I told you I had to study? Where, if truth be told, I was there! And we had great time togheter!" She-he was laughing loudly, now with Andrew's voice, and one of our-emh my friends enter the locker room.
"What's so funny?" he asked "why are u laughing?"
"I was telling Josh about a girl I screwed yesterday!" Jessy- Andrew said and then added " I'll tell you later buddy, now is time to go" And then left.
lunedì 13 gennaio 2014
Anything to be the Quarterback
"Be a good boy. Suck it all"
"Yes coach."
"You are my pussy, aren't you?"
"Yes, I'm your pussy"
I slapped my dick at his face again angrily
"Call me Coach pussy!" I yelled.
"Yes Coach! Sorry Coach!"
When my elder brother told me he would have done anything to be the quarterback of the team, he really ment it!
But he won't be happy to discover it's just me inside this Coach Higgins bodysuit, and I can' wait to tell him! Just After my "happy ending".
Angry Boyfriend
doorbell rang and as soon as I opened the door my boyfriend stormed into my
“I know
you’re with HIM!” he shouted.
I was shocked.
“B..but baby..” I muttered, but he was too angry to let me finish.
I was shocked.
“B..but baby..” I muttered, but he was too angry to let me finish.
“Why are
let me exp…”
“Let YOU what? Where is he?” he said and than he shouted again “JOSH WHERE ARE YOU?”
I was so frighten, my boyfriend has always been so calm, and it was the first time I saw him like this.
“Let YOU what? Where is he?” he said and than he shouted again “JOSH WHERE ARE YOU?”
I was so frighten, my boyfriend has always been so calm, and it was the first time I saw him like this.
“Please, go
away! Josh is not here!” I tried to say, but without even listening to me e
went searching for him. He opened the bedroom door and he found it empty with
the bed unmade.
I tried to calm him down but he was really mad and he heard the noise of a shower, so he approached the bathroom and opened the door.
His eyes widened.
I tried to calm him down but he was really mad and he heard the noise of a shower, so he approached the bathroom and opened the door.
His eyes widened.
“Who are you young man?” I heard my dad voice saying. I entered the bathroom and found my dad having a shower.
My boyfriend looked puzzled “I…I…” he was saying
tall and strong and my boyfriend seemed a little cat in front of a Lion.
“Sir, I’m so sorry..”
“GO AWAY BEFORE I..” shouted my dad in his baritone voice and my bf went away without saying a word. I followed him at the door and he left muttering he was very sorry. I sighed and waited till the shower ended.
When I came in the bedroom I found Josh in his real form.
“Sir, I’m so sorry..”
“GO AWAY BEFORE I..” shouted my dad in his baritone voice and my bf went away without saying a word. I followed him at the door and he left muttering he was very sorry. I sighed and waited till the shower ended.
When I came in the bedroom I found Josh in his real form.

“You’re welcome”
“He was so close…If you didn’t hear him shouting he would had found you.”
“ Yea..I’ve never seen him so mad…” he said.
“Yea, he looked hot so angry.” I added flushing.
He smiled and in one second his skin changed e looked like my boyfriend, he even copied all his tatooes!
“I’M SO ANGRY!” he said smiling and started to kiss me. “ I DON’T WANT YOU TO FUCK JOSH”.
domenica 12 gennaio 2014
My strange girlfriend - part 1
"Oh my God Brad, your dad is so sexy" Anna, my girlfriend told me, wearing my father bodysuit that I made.
"Hey, put it off! We can't let you anyone see you like that! I've shouldn't had told you aboyt my bodysuit!"
"Oh no babe!" she said hugging me with my dad's big arms "It will be our secret"
"Stop acting like that with his body!"
I was mad at her, I didn't expect her to be so interested in my invenction.
"Ok, honey, I won't use your bodysuit again...I promise."
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