'What do you mean you can enter other people's bodies?' I asked my best friend Davis. 'I told you! I found out I'm bodyhopper I can melt in someone else body.' He looked serious. 'Davis, this is crazy!' 'I know! But that's true. My body can melt and I can enter almost everyone, having access to their brain, and body...I can become them!' Probably Davis was going mad. I remained silent. 'Ok, I'll prove it to you.' he said ' your grandad is sleeping in the other room?' 'Y...yes' 'Perfect. Wait here' he said, and left. i heard weird noises coming from the other room and after few minutes my grampa apparead ' I didn't know mrs Wilson used to sleep completely nude!' I was shocked! In front of me my grampa showed his erect cock. 'G..grampa..y..you' 'Oh Sorry! When I enter in a different body I can't help but having an erection! This is just a side effect!' My grampa said
Then he took his cock and said ' Who would have thought your grampa had a body so well builded, and this cock??' 'D..davis? Is you in there?' I asked suspicious My grampa smiled. 'Yea moron! I told you I have this power. We can say I'm completely your grampa now: I have full access to his memory, his knowledge and even to his mannerism. Let me show you.' He coughed and then said in my grampa's voice. ' Hey champ! Remember when I used to take you to the lake? The first time I took you there you were 7 years old! And do you remember when you told me you're gay?' I was shocked! 'You have all his memories?! You know I'm gay?' 'I do champ! But don't worry, your grampa didn't tell anyone! ' In that very moment we heard someone enter the house 'Hey I'm home' Said my big brother from downstairs. 'Davis! what can we do now??' I asked worried 'Don't be afraid champ! just lend me a pair of your grampa's underwear!' he said and then quickley got dress. 'Davis, what do you want to do?' 'Be calm! I just want to have some fun!' he answered in his normal voice. 'Hi Grampa!' my brothere just entered the room 'Oh Josh, you're home.' Said Davis in my grampa's voice. ' How was school?' 'Mmmh Fine! I'm gonna take a shower now'.
'Ok, but dont' lock the door Josh, maybe I'll need to take my razor in while!' 'Ok granpa' He answered. After my brother left, my friend looked at me smiling. 'The fun begin!' he said in his real voice. 'What do you mean Davis??' 'Don't you want to see your brother's cock? He's so hot!' 'Davis?? Are you gay too?' 'Shh, you moron! Don't call me Davis! And yes of course I'm gay and your brother is a hottie!' I didn't think my friend was gay! It was a shock! We heard the shower and my grampa smiled. 'Time to take my razor!' He said and went to the bathroom.
My phone rang: it was a message from my friend Devon. I opened it and I saw a picture of my dad, barechested! I was astonished. ' OMG! Where did you get this?' I answered After few second another message 'Eh eh, Let's just say my invenction works!' 'What do you mean?'
'I'll tell you if you do me a favour: ask your dad to come to my house aftwer work. Tell him he needs to take a book or something like that for you' he wrote again. 'Ok, but why?' 'It's a secret!' I did what he asked me, and my dad reluctantly said yes. He was working a lot in that time and he hadn't much time to spare. After few hours I heard him coming home: "Hi honey! You're late!" My mom said "Sorry babe!" he said kissing her on her cheek "What's for dinner?" "Hi dad!" I said "Have you been to Devon's?" "Sorry Phil, I forgot!" And then seeing my disappointed face he added: "I'm working a lot lately, son. We'll take your book another time. ok?" I nodded and headed to the dining table. "So, how was school?" He asked me, as usual "It was ok.." I couldn't help but thinking about Devon's messages..Where did he get my dad's pic?
My mom went to the kitchen to take something and my dad start laughing. "You idiot! You didn't recognise me!" he said with Devon's voice. I stared at him without speaking. My mom entered the room again and my dad said, as nothing happened: "So, son, you were talking about your schoolday". It was his usual voice this time. I didn't know what has just happened! I was in shock, but then dinner went on as usual since I felt something under the table. I looked under and it was my dad's feet that was litteraly caressing my under the table: he was playing footsie with me! In the meantime he was talking normally with mom, and I felt my cock stiffening. I went to the bathroom, took my phone and wrote a message to Devon: "What have you done to my dad??" After few minutes I haven't received any answer so I came back to the dining room. "Are you alright, son?" My mom asked me concerned. "y..yes I'm fine" I said. After dinner I went into and after some minutes I heard knocking at the door. It was my dad. "Look, I'm sorry " he said. " it was just a joke, I didn't think you'll be so scared!" "But why have you done something like that dad?" I asked confused "Well 'son', I'm not your dad..I'm just wearing him!" He said and then I saw Devon's face coming out from my dad's!! "This is my invection! The body suit gun! When you shoot someone you transform him into a bodysuit! That's what I've done with your father when he came" "So he DID came!" I was astonished. In that very moment my mom knocked at the door. " Can I can keep the part?" Devon asked, and I nodded. He put my dad's face again and said " Come in darling, we were just talking about private things" and then blinked at me. I smiled at my mom, everything was fine. Devon was really able to act as my dad: he moved like him, talked like him so he would have fooled anyone. He explain me that the bodysuit gave him access to all my dad's memories and mannierism, so it was easy for him to keep the part. We decided he would take my dad's place for the next day too so I called Devon's mom and told her he would sleep at my house. a I imagined him sleeping near my mothers..but it was my dad's body, so nothing strange, I supposed but during the night I heard something. "This body has some urges" he told me with my dad's mascouline voice. "What urges?" "Your mom is a beautifull woman...and this body react" "I...I don't want to know about it!" I looked at his long erect cock and he noticed me. "Soooo do you like your old man cock??" he start laughing again "Stop it Devon! This wasn't a good idea!" "Suck it son!" he said in my dad's voice "Stop it Devon!" "I'm your dad. Now suck my cock" he said leaning his cock towards me and I couldn't help it but sucking...